Saturday, October 24, 2009

Benjamin's piece for this week discussed politicizing art and how that can "culminate in one thing: war" (1248).
This is explained throughout but truly hammered home in the opening quotation by Valery when he capitalizes "Beautiful" (1233). I know this is not the adjective, but the proper noun however this the first time I have seen that term used and capitalized in this context. By making the aesthetic proper, Valery is recognizing that the Beautiful is now something that needs to be recognized and does so by making it stand out.
Another aspect I found interesting from Benjamin was Gance's view on film and comparing it with heiroglyphics. The work continues by making actors into subjects that are presented by the camera whose "body loses its corporeality...deprived of reality, life vocie and the noises caused by moving about..." (1240). Other aspects such as props are discussed as functions. The example given is that of a clock from Arnheim. He effectively turns time itself into an object.
Benjamin concludes that war is a "rebellion of technology" and turns war into an artform itself. A little risky, but in the grand scheme, it makes sense as war gives us something to write, speak, draw, film, and create.

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